Darknet market official kraken6gf6o4rxewycqwjgfchzgxyfeoj5xafqbfm4vgvyaig2vmxvyd.onion

List of products that can be purchased on KRAKEN

Are there any rules for being on kraken2trfqodidvlh4aa337cpzfrhdlfldhve5nf7njhumwr7instad.onion

Why you can’t access KRAKEN from a regular browser

What to do if the website kraken2trfqodidvlh4aa337cpzfrhdlfldhve5nf7njhumwr7instad.onion

If you are wondering how to register on the KRAKEN website, then most likely you have already tried to access the site from a regular browser (we hope you at least used a VPN) and nothing worked. The thing is that there is only one link by which you can go to the KRAKEN website, say from Google Chrome or any other regular browser, this is the kraken2 link. If you choose another link, then you will not be taken to the site. In this case, you will need TOP. This is a special browser that always works with a VPN and with its help you can go to the darknet without fear of being noticed. And so you downloaded the TOR program and you can move on. The next step is to complete registration. To do this, just fill out the captcha and come up with a login, password and your nickname. In general, there is nothing difficult here; we all often register somewhere. The only important point is that your password should be as complex as possible, and your login and nickname should be as abstract as possible from your personality. Do not indicate your name, card details and PIN codes, names of animals, dates of birth, etc. on KRAKEN. Try to make your stay on the darknet safe for yourself.

Basic rules existing on Kraken ONION

Prohibition of insulting other people. No matter how strange it may seem, the administration strictly ensures that buyers and sellers do not insult each other, and that being on the site is comfortable for both parties. No pornography. The sale of pornographic content is prohibited on the site; you will not find a store with such products here. On KRAKEN it is prohibited to post links to other resources and even advertise competing sites in regular correspondence. It is forbidden to visually imitate admins. That is, you cannot choose a nickname that could be confused with the nickname of the site administrator KRAKEN